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Cellebrite Advanced Services (CAS) & Cellebrite Premium

Part 1: How Cellebrite Advanced Services (CAS) & Cellebrite Premium can help you overcome the impossible

January 30, 2020    |   By: Dan Embury - Technical Director, Advanced Services

When Cellebrite professional services commenced in 2010, we knew we could help law enforcement with their most difficult forensics challenges by providing unmatched technical expertise and the most advanced breakthroughs in the world to overcome encryption and device locks.Since 2015, we have been fortunate to assist with investigations of all sorts from our growing number of forensics labs around the world under the banner of Cellebrite Advanced Services (CAS).

Recently, we recognized the need for some agencies to have access to these advanced capabilities on-premise, in their own labs.  After extensive development and system hardening, we now offer many of our CAS capabilities in our Cellebrite Premium package.We handle these sensitive capabilities very carefully and we expect our Cellebrite Premium customers to do the same, so it is only after undergoing a thorough vetting and security assessment process that they are entrusted with access. To learn more about how Cellebrite Premium can help your team solve more crimes faster.

조회수 30회댓글 3개

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